Image of Calculator for each of the beasts in King's throne for individual and overall attribute power

King's Throne Beast Attribute Calculator

Calculator for each of the beasts in King's throne for individual and overall attribute power

Last updated 1 year ago

Introducing the King's Throne Beast attribute calculator, a tool that will assist you in optimizing your strategies by accurately calculating and analyzing the attributes of your beasts.

The beast Aattribute calculator provides attribute bonuses for military, provisions, fortune and inspiration attributes of each beast. By inputting the beast name, their level and the number of stars they have, you will receive the exact power boost for each beast.

This should help you plan for which hero to bind the beast to, and figure out how to plan each beast's growth in King's Throne.

Beast and Level

With the King's Throne Beast Attribute Calculator, you gain a competitive edge by making informed decisions. You can plan for beast attribute increase events to maximize the rewards for each month it comes around.

Below you will find all the beasts available in the game, to see which beast to invest in for which hero.

List of Beasts and their Attribute Details in King's Throne

  1. 1. Cheetah

    Image of beast Cheetah in King's Throne

    Hero: None
    • Max Level: 250
    • Total Quality: 150
    • Quality Attributes: Image of military Icon in King's Throne 45 Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne 39 Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne 34 Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne 32
  2. 2. Grey Wolf

    Image of beast Grey Wolf in King's Throne

    Hero: None
    • Max Level: 200
    • Total Quality: 80
    • Quality Attributes: Image of military Icon in King's Throne 25 Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne 22 Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne 15 Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne 18
  3. 3. Eagle

    Image of beast Eagle in King's Throne

    Hero: None
    • Max Level: 200
    • Total Quality: 80
    • Quality Attributes: Image of military Icon in King's Throne 20 Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne 20 Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne 20 Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne 20
  4. 4. Byakko

    Image of beast Byakko in King's Throne
    Byakko bonds with Beowulf.
    Image of Hero Beowulf in King's Throne

    Hero: Beowulf
    • Max Level: 300
    • Total Quality: 200
    • Quality Attributes: Image of military Icon in King's Throne 80 Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne 35 Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne 50 Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne 35
  5. 5. Pegasus

    Image of beast Pegasus in King's Throne
    Pegasus bonds with Brunhilde.
    Image of Hero Brunhilde in King's Throne

    Hero: Brunhilde
    • Max Level: 300
    • Total Quality: 200
    • Quality Attributes: Image of military Icon in King's Throne 50 Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne 50 Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne 50 Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne 50
  6. 6. Griffin

    Image of beast Griffin in King's Throne
    Griffin bonds with Arthur.
    Image of Hero Arthur in King's Throne

    Hero: Arthur
    • Max Level: 300
    • Total Quality: 200
    • Quality Attributes: Image of military Icon in King's Throne 80 Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne 48 Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne 35 Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne 37
  7. 7. Elephant

    Image of beast Elephant in King's Throne

    Hero: None
    • Max Level: 250
    • Total Quality: 150
    • Quality Attributes: Image of military Icon in King's Throne 35 Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne 46 Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne 31 Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne 38
  8. 8. Kurma

    Image of beast Kurma in King's Throne
    Kurma bonds with Siegfried.
    Image of Hero Siegfried in King's Throne

    Hero: Siegfried
    • Max Level: 300
    • Total Quality: 200
    • Quality Attributes: Image of military Icon in King's Throne 35 Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne 80 Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne 50 Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne 35
  9. 9. Nanook

    Image of beast Nanook in King's Throne
    Nanook bonds with Claude.
    Image of Hero Claude in King's Throne

    Hero: Claude
    • Max Level: 300
    • Total Quality: 200
    • Quality Attributes: Image of military Icon in King's Throne 50 Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne 35 Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne 35 Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne 80
  10. 10. Cerberus

    Image of beast Cerberus in King's Throne
    Cerberus bonds with The Green Knight.
    Image of Hero The Green Knight in King's Throne

    Hero: The Green Knight
    • Max Level: 300
    • Total Quality: 200
    • Quality Attributes: Image of military Icon in King's Throne 65 Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne 65 Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne 35 Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne 35
  11. 11. Rushlight Reindeer

    Image of beast Rushlight Reindeer in King's Throne
    Rushlight Reindeer bonds with Kris.
    Image of Hero Kris in King's Throne

    Hero: Kris
    • Max Level: 300
    • Total Quality: 200
    • Quality Attributes: Image of military Icon in King's Throne 50 Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne 35 Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne 80 Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne 35
  12. 12. Turketrice

    Image of beast Turketrice in King's Throne
    Turketrice bonds with The Solitary Walker.
    Image of Hero The Solitary Walker in King's Throne

    Hero: The Solitary Walker
    • Max Level: 300
    • Total Quality: 200
    • Quality Attributes: Image of military Icon in King's Throne 50 Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne 80 Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne 35 Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne 35
  13. 13. Pendraig

    Image of beast Pendraig in King's Throne
    Pendraig bonds with Dullahan.
    Image of Hero Dullahan in King's Throne

    Hero: Dullahan
    • Max Level: 300
    • Total Quality: 200
    • Quality Attributes: Image of military Icon in King's Throne 100 Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne 35 Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne 35 Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne 30
  14. 14. Qilin

    Image of beast Qilin in King's Throne
    Qilin bonds with Cao Cao.
    Image of Hero Cao Cao in King's Throne

    Hero: Cao Cao
    • Max Level: 300
    • Total Quality: 200
    • Quality Attributes: Image of military Icon in King's Throne 50 Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne 35 Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne 80 Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne 35
  15. 15. Quetzalcoatl

    Image of beast Quetzalcoatl in King's Throne
    Quetzalcoatl bonds with Tlaloc.
    Image of Hero Tlaloc in King's Throne

    Hero: Tlaloc
    • Max Level: 300
    • Total Quality: 200
    • Quality Attributes: Image of military Icon in King's Throne 50 Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne 35 Image of provisions Icon in King's Throne 80 Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne 35