Image of How and why to exile heroes in King's Throne

King's Throne Exile Heroes Guide

How and why to exile heroes in King's Throne

Last updated 1 year ago

Exiling Heroes in King's Throne

Once you have acquired 30 or more heroes in the mobile game King's Throne, the option to exile heroes becomes available. The primary purpose of exiling heroes is to optimize your performance in the Tourney.

By exiling your weakest heroes, you can remove them from your Tourney lineup, allowing you to focus on strengthening your more powerful heroes. Having a smaller and powerful Tourney team also ensures you're not a target during tourney events or alliance championships.

Recommendations on When to Exile Heroes

It is generally recommended to have a Tourney team consisting of 30 to 40 heroes. This way, you can concentrate on enhancing non-exiled heroes to ensure greater success in the Tourney.

Managing a large number of heroes, such as 100, can spread your resources too thin and hinder efficiency in cross-server events like Alliance Death Match.

How Exiling Heroes Affects Scrolls

When you choose to exile heroes, they will not receive any rewards from the randomly assigned Tourney and quality scrolls.

The main objective is to remove underperforming heroes from your lineup, improving your overall performance in the Tourney and making yourself a less attractive target for opponents. Additionally, after 90 days, you receive a million grains as a reward for exiling heroes.

It's important to note that exiling heroes does not prevent them from participating in cross-server fights, daily boss fights, or the Hunting Grounds. Exile exclusively applies to the Tourney and the rewards from random scrolls.

However, you can still assign an exiled hero to the Training Grounds. You are not limited to exiling just 15 heroes; the maximum number of exiled heroes increases as you surpass the initial limit of 15.

image of cost to unlock additional slot to exile heroes
Cost to unlock additional slot to exile heroes

Cost for Unlocking Exile Locations

The cost for each exiled hero slot varies:

  • Slot 1 requires 1,000 gems
  • Slot 2 costs 2,000 gems
  • Slot 3 costs 3,000 gems
  • Slot 4 costs 4,000 gems
  • Slot 5+ costs 5,000 gems
image of low potential heroes to exile in King's Throne
Low potential heroes to exile in King's Throne

Which Heroes to Exile in King's Thone

You should try to exile two types of heroes in King's Throne:

  1. Low potential heroes, like the starter heroes, and most heroes less than 5 stars
  2. Newly acquired heroes, particularly those you don't have the materials to make Tourney-ready

The lowest potential quality heroes tend to be the best bets to exile first, and permanently. New heroes can be temporarily exiled until you level and power them up.

It's good practice to invest in your high potential quality but low level exiled heroes, so that you can swap them out of exile as your hero roster grows.

How to Exile Heroes in King's Thone

You may exile idle heroes to the exile locations listed below. Exiled heroes can be brought back at any time by spending a certain amount of gems.

Once sent, exiled heroes won't appear in the Tourney Grounds or Cross-Server Tourney Grounds, and cannot be challenged by other players.

Exile rewards (grain) will be available 90 days after a hero is exiled. No reward will be available if the hero is brought back before then.

Gems are required to unlock locations, and you can only exile 1 hero to each location. Unlocked locations can be kept permanently.

The experience randomly gained from Undeciphered Tourney Manuscript and Undeciphered Quality Manuscript will not be randomized to the exiled heroes.

List of Exile Locations in King's Throne

  1. 1. The Hidden Kingdom

  2. 2. Perilous Cave

  3. 3. Excavated City

  4. 4. Lake Marigold

  5. 5. Abandoned Castle

  6. 6. Kyngestone River

  7. 7. Forgotten Ruins

  8. 8. Shipwreck Cove

  9. 9. Ancient Burial Site

  10. 10. Bandit Hideout

  11. 11. Puffin Beach

  12. 12. Barbarian Camp

  13. 13. Bay Of Seals

  14. 14. Fishing Village

  15. 15. Mistwood Forest