Guide for all obtainable titles in King's Throne in the Hall of Fame
Last updated 2 years ago
Titles in the Hall of Fame for King's Throne
King's Throne is a mobile game where players build, manage and grow their kingdoms.
In the game, players can acquire different titles, including the titles of lord, king and emperor, which grants the player fame, gems and other perks in the game.
There are currently 30 total titles in King's Throne, which are all displayed in the Hall of Fame.
Titles in King's Throne
We've sourced all the available titles you can acquire in King's Throne with a guide on how to collect them and what rewards they bring to the player.
Rewards and Homage for Titles in King's Throne
Acquiring a title allows other players to pay homage to you in the Hall of Fame. Not only is your avatar displayed, you can also customize a message to broadcast to other players.
Acquiring more titles, especially higher ranking titles, means more players will pay homage to you, netting you a higher spot on the homage ranking board.
In addition, everyday you can claim a gem chest from a King or Emperor title, netting you 100-200 extra gems.
All titles currently expire in 30 days, which nets you upward of 6000 gems a month.
Aside from gems and fame, having a title gives you an advantage in other parts of the game as well. In some events, as well as the mine, having a higher title will allow you to occupy a higher level mine.
How to Acquire Titles in King's Throne
Unlocking different titles in King's Throne almost always require you to place first or at least top 3 in a leaderboard.
There is usually at least one leaderboard challenge a week, ranging from increasing kingdom power to having the highest tourney score.
The highest emperor titles are all from cross server leaderboards or events. They range from increasing the charm of your maidens (Emperor of Aether) to increasing quality (Emperor Of Zenith).
The Emperor of Passion title is a special case, as it's only obtainable from the event a Wave of Love. The Wave of Love is a monthly event for which the top three highest scoring players on the cross server leaderboard share that title.
Strategic Planning for Titles in King's Throne
Because the titles and events leading up to the titles are cyclic, or every 30 days, players can strategize and plan for any given event to maximize their score.
For example, the Emperor Of Paramours title comes from the cross-server Increase Intimacy Challenge. This means that players who are shooting for the title that month should store up intimacy items long before the event.
In fact, many players going for a title plan months in advance, storing up items to secure a server or cross server win.
One tip is to get an idea of your competition beforehand, by tallying previous events first, second and third place players, as well as their points.
This should give you an idea of the competitive landscape, as well as the amount of points you would likely have to score to win an event.
Detailed List of All Titles in Kings Throne
1. Emperor Of Aether
Description: Receive the title "Emperor of Aether"after activation (valid for 30 days) Source: Cross-Server Increase Charm
2. Emperor Of Champions
Description: Unlock Title "Emperor of Champions" (Valid for 30 days) Source: Cross-server Tourney Score Challenge
3. Emperor Of Deathmatch
Description: Unlock Title "Emperor of Deathmatch" (Valid for 30 days) Source: Alliance Deathmatch
4. Emperor Of Might
Description: Unlock Title 'Emperor of Might' (Valid for 30 days) Source: Cross-Server Kingdom Power challenge
5. Emperor Of Paramours
Description: Unlock Title 'Emperor of Paramours' (Valid for 30 days) Source: Cross-server Increase Intimacy Challenge
6. Emperor Of Passion
Description: Unlock Title "Emperor of Passion" (valid for 30 days) Source: A Wave of Love
7. Emperor Of Zenith
Description: Receive the title "Emperor of Zenith"after activation (valid for 30 days) Source: Cross-Server Increase Quality
8. King Of Abundance
Description: Unlock Title 'King of Abundance' (Valid for 30 days) Source: Children / Feast Leaderboard challenge
9. King Of Ambition
Description: Use to get the title " King of Ambition" for 30 days Source: Event Item
10. King Of Beasts
Description: Obtain the title "King of Beasts" after use (Valid for 30 days) Source: Rare Beast Attribute Increase Leaderboard
11. King Of Celebration
Description: Unlock Title "King of Celebration" (Valid for 30 days) Source: Event Item
12. King Of Champions
Description: Unlock Title "King of Champions" (Valid for 30 days) Source: Increase Alliance-wide Tourney Score Challenge
13. King Of Conquerors
Description: Unlock Title 'King of Conquerers' (Valid for 30 days) Source: Campaign / Feast Leaderboard challenge
14. King Of Enlightenment
Description: Unlock Title 'King of Enlightenment' (Valid for 30 days) Source: Alliance exp. Leaderboard challenge
15. King Of Glory
Description: Unlock Title 'King of Glory' (Valid for 30 days) Source: Tourney ground Leaderboard challenge
16. King Of Grace
Description: Unlock Title 'King of Grace' (Valid for 30 days) Source: Maiden charm Leaderboard challenge
17. King Of Jade
Description: Unlock Title "King of Jade" (valid for 30 days) Source: Maiden Feast Challenge
18. King Of Might
Description: Unlock Title 'King of Might' (Valid for 30 days) Source: Power Leaderboard challenge
19. King Of Passion
Description: Unlock Title 'King of Passion' (Valid for 30 days) Source: Intimacy Leaderboard challenge
20. King Of Virtue
Description: Unlock Title "King of Virtue" (Valid for 30 days) Source: Increase Quality Challenge
21. King Of Warriors
Description: Unlock Title 'King of Warriors' (Valid for 30 days) Source: Alliance Power Leaderboard challenge
22. King Of Wisdom
Description: Unlock Title "King of Wisdom" (Valid for 30 days) Source: Maiden Exp. Leaderboard
23. Lord Of Ambition
Description: Use to get the title " Lord of Ambition" for 30 days Source: Event Item
24. Lord Of Champions
Description: Unlock Title 'Lord of Champions' (Valid for 30 days) Source: Increase Alliance-wide Tourney Score Challenge
25. Lord Of Enlightenment
Description: Unlock Title 'Lord of Enlightenment' (Valid for 30 days) Source: Alliance exp. Leaderboard challenge
26. Lord Of Luxury
Description: Unlock Title 'Lord of Luxury' (Valid for 30 days) Source: Gold Leaderboard challenge
27. Lord Of Militance
Description: Unlock Title 'Lord of Militance' (Valid for 30 days) Source: Soldiers Leaderboard challenge
28. Lord Of Prudence
Description: Unlock Title 'Lord of Prudence' (Valid for 30 days) Source: Grain Leaderboard challenge
29. Lord Of Warriors
Description: Unlock Title 'Lord of Warriors' (Valid for 30 days) Source: Alliance Power Leaderboard challenge
30. The Jester Quester Commission
Description: Obtain the title “The Jester Quester” after use(Valid for 30 days) Source: Event Item