King's Throne Guide - Hero Athena

Updated: Feb 21, 2024

Summary of Athena in King's Throne

One of the military heroes, heroic maiden Athena has six stars in King's Throne. You can acquire Athena through recharge activity, events or recruit.

Athena bonds with herself (Athena).

In terms of hero rankings, Athena is:

  • 112th for fortune (3 fortune skill stars).
  • 9th for military (35 military skill stars).
  • 118th for provisions (3 provisions skill stars).
  • 111th for inspiration (3 inspiration skill stars).
Among the top 10 military heroes in King's Throne, Athena has 35 stars and 200% paragaon bonus from all military skills.

Full list of the best military Image of military Icon in King's Throne heroes.
Image of Hero Athena in King's Throne

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Athena Skills and Quality

Athena starts with 11 skills. Athena currently has no skills through skins. Athena has 3 common skills, including Coffer Management, County Rulership and Officers Eloquence. Additionally, Athena has 8 special skills, including War Cry, Spear Thrust, Courageous Charge, Combat Brilliance, Swift Maneuvers, Battle Tactics, Strategic Council and Military Intuition.

As a military hero, Athena has a total of eight military, one fortune, one provisions and one inspiration skills.

Athena has a base quality potential of 35 stars for military, 3 stars for fortune, 3 stars for provisions and 3 stars for inspiration.

The details of Athena's skills are listed below:

  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Military - 8 , 7 , 6 , 6 , 3 , 3 , 1 , 1
    • War Cry
    • Spear Thrust
    • Courageous Charge
    • Combat Brilliance
    • Swift Maneuvers
    • Battle Tactics
    • Strategic Council
    • Military Intuition
  • Image of Fortune Icon in King's Throne Fortune - 3
    • Coffer Management
  • Image of Provisions Icon in King's Throne Provisions - 3
    • County Rulership
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne Inspiration - 3
    • Officers Eloquence

Athena Ranking for Skills and Quality

Athena is one of the military heroes in King's Throne. In terms of potential and quality for each of the types, Athena ranks:

  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 112th for fortune - total 3 stars, 0% paragon bonus
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 9th for military - total 35 stars, 200% paragon bonus
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 118th for provisions - total 3 stars, 0% paragon bonus
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 111th for inspiration - total 3 stars, 0% paragon bonus

See the top Military Heroes, Fortune Heroes, Provisions Heroes and Inspiration Heroes in King's Throne.

Paragons for Athena in King's Throne

Athena currently has 2 paragons: Paragon of Watchful Wisdom and Paragon of Petrifying Presence. To activate and maximize Athena's paragons, we would need to have 40 corinthian helmets.

The sum of all Athena's paragons increases military by 200%, fortune by 0%, provisions by 0%, inspiration by 0%, for each attribute.

  • Paragon of Watchful Wisdom - Military attribute +
    • Maximum Level: 10
    • Upgrade Cost: Corinthian Helmet(2)
    • Upgrade Percent: 10%
  • Paragon of Petrifying Presence - Military attribute +
    • Maximum Level: 10
    • Upgrade Cost: Corinthian Helmet(2)
    • Upgrade Percent: 10%

Athena Skins in King's Throne

There are no skins available for Athena currently.

Upgrading Athena

To upgrade Athena's level, similar to other heroes, you would need gold and rings, scepter, sword items for every 50 or 100 levels.

To enhance Athena and increase their attributes, you can use can be used to recruit or enhance athena. to enhance a maximum of 10 stages. The exact amount of pieces needed for Athena enhancement is below:

  • Bronze - 10 Can be used to recruit or enhance Athena.
  • Silver - 12 Can be used to recruit or enhance Athena.
  • Gold - 14 Can be used to recruit or enhance Athena.
  • Emerald - 17 Can be used to recruit or enhance Athena.
  • Diamond - 21 Can be used to recruit or enhance Athena.
  • Lapis - 24 Can be used to recruit or enhance Athena. - 1 Accolate Token
  • Amethyst - 30 Can be used to recruit or enhance Athena. - 3 Accolate Token
  • Amber - 36 Can be used to recruit or enhance Athena. - 5 Accolate Token
  • Ruby - 42 Can be used to recruit or enhance Athena. - 7 Accolate Token
  • Labradorite - 48 Can be used to recruit or enhance Athena. - 10 Accolate Token

Athena Bonding Maiden in King's Throne

Athena bonds with herself, Athena (maiden) as a heroic maiden in King's Throne. Having a maiden enables Athena to have further attribute growth potential from maiden skills. The list of maiden skills that support Athena are:

  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Steadfast Bravery I - Military
    +150 / level
  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Steadfast Bravery II - Military
    +200 / level
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne Helping Hand - Inspiration
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of Provisions Icon in King's Throne Gourmands Palate - Provisions
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of Fortune Icon in King's Throne Masterful Bartering - Fortune
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Courageous Resolve - Military
    +0.5% / level

Story of Athena in King's Throne

"Rumors of a divine goddess helping the kingdom's warriors circulated throughout the land, with some claiming that Athena was behind the victories. Though her origin was never fully revealed, her name became synonymous with strength and bravery. It was said that she had befriended Achilles during his time in battle, lending him strength and guidance as he fought against many formidable foes. With Athena by his side, not even Achilles' arrogance could stand in the way of their triumph. Tales of her valor spread all across the kingdom and she was praised for her extraordinary ability to grant protection, foresee events, and even avert dangers altogether. She rose to legendary status among her contemporaries, motivating others to pursue justice in the face of overwhelming odds!"
- King's Throne Story