King's Throne Guide - Hero Gilgamesh

Updated: Feb 21, 2024

Summary of Gilgamesh in King's Throne

One of the military heroes, Gilgamesh has six stars in King's Throne. You can obtain Gilgamesh through events.

Gilgamesh bonds with Maiden Shamhat as his bonding pair.

In terms of hero rankings, Gilgamesh is:

  • 87th for fortune (4 fortune skill stars).
  • 1st for military (44 military skill stars).
  • 88th for provisions (4 provisions skill stars).
  • 110th for inspiration (4 inspiration skill stars).
Among the top 5 military heroes in King's Throne, Gilgamesh has 44 stars and 300% paragaon bonus from all military skills.

Full list of the best military Image of military Icon in King's Throne heroes.
Image of Hero Gilgamesh in King's Throne

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Gilgamesh Skills and Quality

Gilgamesh starts with 11 skills. Through available hero skins, Gilgamesh can have an additional skill, which is a total of 12 skills. Gilgamesh has 7 common skills, including Treasury Oversight, Strategic Planning, Commanding, Tactical Analysis, Advisement, March Rulership and Heroic Actions. Additionally, Gilgamesh has 5 special skills, including Besieging Spirit, Immortal Blade, Sacred Smite, Thunderous Roar and Eternal Vigilance.

As a military hero, Gilgamesh has a total of nine military, one fortune, one provisions and one inspiration skills.

Gilgamesh has a base quality potential of 44 stars for military, 4 stars for fortune, 4 stars for provisions and 4 stars for inspiration.

The details of Gilgamesh's skills are listed below:

  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Military - 5* , 8 , 8 , 7 , 6 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1
    • Besieging Spirit (skin)
    • Immortal Blade
    • Sacred Smite
    • Thunderous Roar
    • Eternal Vigilance
    • Strategic Planning
    • Commanding
    • Tactical Analysis
    • Advisement
  • Image of Fortune Icon in King's Throne Fortune - 4
    • Treasury Oversight
  • Image of Provisions Icon in King's Throne Provisions - 4
    • March Rulership
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne Inspiration - 4
    • Heroic Actions

Gilgamesh Ranking for Skills and Quality

Gilgamesh is one of the military heroes in King's Throne. In terms of potential and quality for each of the types, Gilgamesh ranks:

  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 87th for fortune - total 4 stars, 100% paragon bonus
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 1st for military - total 44 stars, 300% paragon bonus
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 88th for provisions - total 4 stars, 100% paragon bonus
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 110th for inspiration - total 4 stars, 100% paragon bonus

See the top Military Heroes, Fortune Heroes, Provisions Heroes and Inspiration Heroes in King's Throne.

Paragons for Gilgamesh in King's Throne

Gilgamesh currently has 3 paragons: Paragon of Razorhook Slash, Paragon of Legendary Leadership and Paragon of Valorant Regalia. To activate and maximize Gilgamesh's paragons, we would need to have 400 gilgamesh fragments.

The sum of all Gilgamesh's paragons increases military by 300%, fortune by 100%, provisions by 100%, inspiration by 100%, for each attribute.

  • Paragon of Razorhook Slash - All attributes + (skin)
    • Maximum Level: 20
    • Upgrade Cost: Gilgamesh Fragment (10)
    • Upgrade Percent: 5%
  • Paragon of Legendary Leadership - Military attribute +
    • Maximum Level: 10
    • Upgrade Cost: Gilgamesh Fragment (10)
    • Upgrade Percent: 10%
  • Paragon of Valorant Regalia - Military attribute +
    • Maximum Level: 10
    • Upgrade Cost: Gilgamesh Fragment (10)
    • Upgrade Percent: 10%

Gilgamesh Skins in King's Throne

There is 1 skin available for Gilgamesh which boosts attributes or skills: Immortal Quest

  • Immortal Quest
    • Description: Receive Gilgameshs Legendary Skin Immortal Quest permanently and unlock his 5-star Military Skill Besieging Spirit and the Paragon of Razorhook Slash paragon skill after activation.

Upgrading Gilgamesh

To upgrade Gilgamesh's level, similar to other heroes, you would need gold and rings, scepter, sword items for every 50 or 100 levels.

To enhance Gilgamesh and increase their attributes, you can use can be used to recruit or enhance gilgamesh. to enhance a maximum of 10 stages. The exact amount of pieces needed for Gilgamesh enhancement is below:

  • Bronze - 50 Can be used to recruit or enhance Gilgamesh.
  • Silver - 60 Can be used to recruit or enhance Gilgamesh.
  • Gold - 70 Can be used to recruit or enhance Gilgamesh.
  • Emerald - 85 Can be used to recruit or enhance Gilgamesh.
  • Diamond - 105 Can be used to recruit or enhance Gilgamesh.
  • Lapis - 115 Can be used to recruit or enhance Gilgamesh. - 1 Accolate Token
  • Amethyst - 145 Can be used to recruit or enhance Gilgamesh. - 3 Accolate Token
  • Amber - 195 Can be used to recruit or enhance Gilgamesh. - 5 Accolate Token
  • Ruby - 245 Can be used to recruit or enhance Gilgamesh. - 7 Accolate Token
  • Labradorite - 295 Can be used to recruit or enhance Gilgamesh. - 10 Accolate Token

Gilgamesh Bonding Maiden in King's Throne

Gilgamesh bonds with Shamhat as his maiden pair in King's Throne. Having a maiden enables Gilgamesh to have further attribute growth potential from maiden skills. The list of maiden skills that support Gilgamesh are:

  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Steadfast Bravery I - Military
    +150 / level
  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Steadfast Bravery II - Military
    +200 / level
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne Helping Hand - Inspiration
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of Provisions Icon in King's Throne Gourmands Palate - Provisions
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of Fortune Icon in King's Throne Masterful Bartering - Fortune
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Courageous Resolve - Military
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of All Attributes Icon in King's Throne Endearing Passion - All Attributes (skin)
    +0.2% / level

Story of Gilgamesh in King's Throne

"Gilgamesh, once a feared tyrant, was forever changed when he encountered the enchantress Shamhat. Her wisdom and allure softened his hardened heart, showing him the benefits of kindness and empathy. However, it was the arrival of Enkidu, a wild man created to challenge Gilgamesh's tyranny, that truly transformed him. Their initial conflict turned into an unbreakable bond as they recognized their shared strength and bravery. Together, they embarked on daring adventures, their reputations growing with each victory. Gilgamesh evolved from a ruthless ruler to a just leader, earning the loyalty and respect of his people. But this newfound peace was shattered when Enkidu fell victim to a nefarious plot hatched by their adversaries. Devastated by the prospect of losing his closest ally, Gilgamesh sought advice from his kingdom's wisest advisors, but only the enchantress Shamhat had a favorable proposition."
- King's Throne Story