King's Throne Guide - Hero Gordafarid

Updated: Feb 21, 2024

Summary of Gordafarid in King's Throne

Gordafarid is a six star hero in King's Throne, Game of Conquest. She is categorized as one of the military heroes, and you can acquire Gordafarid through recharge activity, events or recruit.

Gordafarid bonds with herself (Gordafarid).

In terms of hero rankings, Gordafarid is:

  • 93rd for fortune (4 fortune skill stars).
  • 37th for military (17 military skill stars).
  • 105th for provisions (4 provisions skill stars).
  • 59th for inspiration (7 inspiration skill stars).

Full list of the best military Image of military Icon in King's Throne heroes.
Image of Hero Gordafarid in King's Throne

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Gordafarid Skills and Quality

Gordafarid starts with 10 skills. Through available hero skins, Gordafarid can have an additional skill, which is a total of 11 skills. Gordafarid has 8 common skills, which includes Coffer Management, Mercantilism, Advisement, County Rulership, Barony Rulership, Heroic Actions, Chaplains Motivation and Bannermans Charge. Additionally, Gordafarid has 3 special skills, including Fates Arrow, Up Close & Personal and Distant Targets.

As a military hero, Gordafarid has a total of four military, two fortune, two provisions and three inspiration skills.

Gordafarid has a base quality potential of 17 stars for military, 7 stars for inspiration, 4 stars for fortune and 4 stars for provisions.

The details of Gordafarid's skills are listed below:

  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Military - 5* , 6 , 5 , 1
    • Fates Arrow (skin)
    • Up Close & Personal
    • Distant Targets
    • Advisement
  • Image of Fortune Icon in King's Throne Fortune - 3 , 1
    • Coffer Management
    • Mercantilism
  • Image of Provisions Icon in King's Throne Provisions - 3 , 1
    • County Rulership
    • Barony Rulership
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne Inspiration - 4 , 2 , 1
    • Heroic Actions
    • Chaplains Motivation
    • Bannermans Charge

Gordafarid Ranking for Skills and Quality

Gordafarid is one of the military heroes in King's Throne. In terms of potential and quality for each of the types, Gordafarid ranks:

  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 93rd for fortune - total 4 stars, 100% paragon bonus
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 37th for military - total 17 stars, 255% paragon bonus
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 105th for provisions - total 4 stars, 100% paragon bonus
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 59th for inspiration - total 7 stars, 155% paragon bonus

See the top Military Heroes, Fortune Heroes, Provisions Heroes and Inspiration Heroes in King's Throne.

Paragons for Gordafarid in King's Throne

Gordafarid currently has 4 paragons: Paragon of Destiny, Paragon of Beauty, Paragon of Spirit and Aladdins lamp. To activate and maximize Gordafarid's paragons, we would need to have 40 fearless shields have 120 aladdins lamps and unlock all middle east maidens.

The sum of all Gordafarid's paragons increases military by 255%, fortune by 100%, provisions by 100%, inspiration by 155%, for each attribute.

  • Paragon of Destiny - All attributes + (skin)
    • Maximum Level: 20
    • Upgrade Cost: Fearless Shield(2)
    • Upgrade Percent: 5%
  • Paragon of Beauty - Military attribute +
    • Maximum Level: 50
    • Upgrade Cost: Aladdins lamp(2)
    • Upgrade Percent: 2%
  • Paragon of Spirit - Military and inspiration attributes +
    • Maximum Level: 10
    • Upgrade Cost: Aladdins lamp(2)
    • Upgrade Percent: 2.5%
  • Aladdins lamp - Military and inspiration attributes +
    • Maximum Level: 2
    • Upgrade Cost: Unlock all Middle East maidens
    • Upgrade Percent: 15%

Gordafarid Skins in King's Throne

There is 1 skin available for Gordafarid which boosts attributes or skills: Auspiced Archeress

  • Auspiced Archeress
    • Description: Receive Gordafarids Legendary Skin Auspiced Archeress permanently and unlock her 5-star Military Skill Fates Arrow and the Paragon of Destiny paragon skill after activation.
Image of Hero Gordafarid in King's Throne

Upgrading Gordafarid

To upgrade Gordafarid's level, similar to other heroes, you would need gold and rings, scepter, sword items for every 50 or 100 levels.

To enhance Gordafarid and increase their attributes, you can use use it to recruit the heroic maiden, gordafarid. you can get it from events.\n to enhance a maximum of 10 stages. The exact amount of pieces needed for Gordafarid enhancement is below:

  • Bronze - 10 Use it to recruit the Heroic Maiden, Gordafarid. You can get it from events.\n
  • Silver - 12 Use it to recruit the Heroic Maiden, Gordafarid. You can get it from events.\n
  • Gold - 14 Use it to recruit the Heroic Maiden, Gordafarid. You can get it from events.\n
  • Emerald - 17 Use it to recruit the Heroic Maiden, Gordafarid. You can get it from events.\n
  • Diamond - 21 Use it to recruit the Heroic Maiden, Gordafarid. You can get it from events.\n
  • Lapis - 24 Use it to recruit the Heroic Maiden, Gordafarid. You can get it from events.\n - 1 Accolate Token
  • Amethyst - 30 Use it to recruit the Heroic Maiden, Gordafarid. You can get it from events.\n - 3 Accolate Token
  • Amber - 36 Use it to recruit the Heroic Maiden, Gordafarid. You can get it from events.\n - 5 Accolate Token
  • Ruby - 42 Use it to recruit the Heroic Maiden, Gordafarid. You can get it from events.\n - 7 Accolate Token
  • Labradorite - 48 Use it to recruit the Heroic Maiden, Gordafarid. You can get it from events.\n - 10 Accolate Token

Gordafarid Bonding Maiden in King's Throne

Gordafarid bonds with herself, Gordafarid (maiden) as a heroic maiden in King's Throne. Having a maiden enables Gordafarid to have further attribute growth potential from maiden skills. The list of maiden skills that support Gordafarid are:

  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Steadfast Bravery I - Military
    +150 / level
  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Steadfast Bravery II - Military
    +200 / level
  • Image of Provisions Icon in King's Throne Gourmands Palate - Provisions
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne Helping Hand - Inspiration
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of Fortune Icon in King's Throne Masterful Bartering - Fortune
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Courageous Resolve - Military
    +0.5% / level

Story of Gordafarid in King's Throne

"Gordafarid single-handedly defended an entire fortress from an invading army, first by firing upon them from the fort’s towers, and then by engaging their leader in single combat. She is fearless and cool under pressure with deadly aim and an unshakable confidence."
- King's Throne Story