King's Throne Guide - Hero Hercules

Updated: Aug 20, 2024

Summary of Hercules in King's Throne

Hercules is a six star hero in King's Throne, Game of Conquest. He belongs to the set of the inspiration heroes, and you can get Hercules from events.

Hercules bonds with Maiden Megara as his maiden counterpart.

In King's Throne, Hercules ranks:

  • 89th for fortune (4 fortune skill stars).
  • 133rd for military (4 military skill stars).
  • 90th for provisions (4 provisions skill stars).
  • 2nd for inspiration (44 inspiration skill stars).
As one of the best 5 inspiration heroes in King's Throne, Hercules has 44 stars and 300% paragaon bonus across inspiration skills.

Full list of the best inspiration Image of inspiration Icon in King's Throne heroes.
Image of Hero Hercules in King's Throne

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Hercules Skills and Quality

Hercules starts with 11 skills. Through available hero skins, Hercules can have an additional skill, which is a total of 12 skills. Hercules has 7 common skills, including Treasury Oversight, Strategic Planning, March Rulership, Heroic Actions, Officers Eloquence, Chaplains Motivation and Bannermans Charge. In addition, Hercules has 5 special skills, including Nemean Rampage, Hammering Bludgeon, Divine Might, Barbaric Resilience and Primal Roar.

As a inspiration hero, Hercules has a total of nine inspiration, one military, one fortune and one provisions skills.

Hercules has a base quality potential of 44 stars for inspiration, 4 stars for military, 4 stars for fortune and 4 stars for provisions.

The details of Hercules's skills are listed below:

  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Military - 4
    • Strategic Planning
  • Image of Fortune Icon in King's Throne Fortune - 4
    • Treasury Oversight
  • Image of Provisions Icon in King's Throne Provisions - 4
    • March Rulership
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne Inspiration - 5* , 8 , 8 , 7 , 6 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1
    • Nemean Rampage (skin)
    • Hammering Bludgeon
    • Divine Might
    • Barbaric Resilience
    • Primal Roar
    • Heroic Actions
    • Officers Eloquence
    • Chaplains Motivation
    • Bannermans Charge

Hercules Ranking for Skills and Quality

Hercules is one of the inspiration heroes in King's Throne. In terms of potential and quality for each of the types, Hercules ranks:

  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 89th for fortune - total 4 stars, 100% paragon bonus
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 133rd for military - total 4 stars, 100% paragon bonus
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 90th for provisions - total 4 stars, 100% paragon bonus
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 2nd for inspiration - total 44 stars, 300% paragon bonus

See the top Military Heroes, Fortune Heroes, Provisions Heroes and Inspiration Heroes in King's Throne.

Paragons for Hercules in King's Throne

Hercules currently has 3 paragons: Paragon of Conductive Claws, Paragon of Helms Fury and Paragon of Smiting Blows. To activate and maximize Hercules's paragons, we would need to have 400 hercules fragments.

The sum of all Hercules's paragons increases military by 100%, fortune by 100%, provisions by 100%, inspiration by 300%, for each attribute.

  • Paragon of Conductive Claws - All attributes + (skin)
    • Maximum Level: 20
    • Upgrade Cost: Hercules Fragment(10)
    • Upgrade Percent: 5%
  • Paragon of Helms Fury - Inspiration attribute +
    • Maximum Level: 10
    • Upgrade Cost: Hercules Fragment(10)
    • Upgrade Percent: 10%
  • Paragon of Smiting Blows - Inspiration attribute +
    • Maximum Level: 10
    • Upgrade Cost: Hercules Fragment(10)
    • Upgrade Percent: 10%

Hercules Skins in King's Throne

There is 1 skin available for Hercules which boosts attributes or skills: Labor of the Nemean Lion

  • Labor of the Nemean Lion
    • Description: Receive Herculess Legendary Skin Labor of the Nemean Lion permanently and unlock his 5-star Inspiration Skill Nemean Rampage and the Paragon of Conductive Claws paragon skill after activation.
Image of Hero Hercules in King's Throne

Upgrading Hercules

To upgrade Hercules's level, similar to other heroes, you would need gold and rings, scepter, sword items for every 50 or 100 levels.

To enhance Hercules and increase their attributes, you can use can be used to recruit or enhance hercules. to enhance a maximum of 10 stages. The exact amount of pieces needed for Hercules enhancement is below:

  • Bronze - 50 Can be used to recruit or enhance Hercules.
  • Silver - 60 Can be used to recruit or enhance Hercules.
  • Gold - 70 Can be used to recruit or enhance Hercules.
  • Emerald - 85 Can be used to recruit or enhance Hercules.
  • Diamond - 105 Can be used to recruit or enhance Hercules.
  • Lapis - 115 Can be used to recruit or enhance Hercules. - 1 Accolate Token
  • Amethyst - 145 Can be used to recruit or enhance Hercules. - 3 Accolate Token
  • Amber - 195 Can be used to recruit or enhance Hercules. - 5 Accolate Token
  • Ruby - 245 Can be used to recruit or enhance Hercules. - 7 Accolate Token
  • Labradorite - 295 Can be used to recruit or enhance Hercules. - 10 Accolate Token

Hercules Bonding Maiden in King's Throne

Hercules bonds with Megara as his maiden pair in King's Throne. Having a maiden enables Hercules to have further attribute growth potential from maiden skills. The list of maiden skills that support Hercules are:

  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne Comforting Words I - Inspiration
    +150 / level
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne Comforting Words II - Inspiration
    +200 / level
  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Courageous Resolve - Military
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of Fortune Icon in King's Throne Masterful Bartering - Fortune
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of Provisions Icon in King's Throne Gourmands Palate - Provisions
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne Helping Hand - Inspiration
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of All Attributes Icon in King's Throne Lion Heart - All Attributes (skin)
    +0.2% / level

Story of Hercules in King's Throne

"Hercules, the demigod born of one of Zeus’s devious affairs, faced a childhood plagued by misfortunes orchestrated by Hera, Zeus’s spiteful wife. But he defied her every attempt with the strength of his supernatural might and courage. Finally, he found joy in building a loving family with Megara. But when Hera learned of their happiness, she inflicted a rage-fueled curse of madness upon Hercules, and in the tragic wake, he discovered that he had killed his own children and almost took Megara's life as well! As the curse lifted, the couple struggled to comprehend the horrific circumstances they had been left with. Tormented by guilt, Hercules and his wife set out on a journey to discover the oracle Delphi, who was rumored to reside high in the perilous mountains. He embarked on the ultimate search for atonement out of fear that the catastrophic results of his deeds would haunt him forever."
- King's Throne Story