King's Throne Guide - Hero Osiris

Updated: Feb 21, 2024

Summary of Osiris in King's Throne

As a six star hero in King's Throne, Osiris is typed as one of the fortune heroes, and you can obtain Osiris from events.

Isis bonds with Osiris.

In King's Throne, Osiris ranks:

  • 2nd for fortune (38 fortune skill stars).
  • 130th for military (5 military skill stars).
  • 76th for provisions (5 provisions skill stars).
  • 71st for inspiration (5 inspiration skill stars).
As one of the best 5 fortune heroes in King's Throne, Osiris has 38 stars and 400% paragaon bonus across fortune skills.

Full list of the best fortune Image of fortune Icon in King's Throne heroes.
Image of Hero Osiris in King's Throne

Jump to Osiris's section on:

Osiris Skills and Quality

Osiris has 10 skills by default. With hero skins, Osiris has an additional 2 skills, which is a total of 12 skills. Osiris has 8 common skills, including Chancellorship, Treasury Oversight, Coffer Management, Banking, Mercantilism, Field Marshalling, Dukedom Rulership and Legendary Deeds. In addition, Osiris has 4 special skills, including Aarus Blessing, Judgement of Souls, Whirling Flail and Sheperds Staff.

As a fortune hero, Osiris has a total of nine fortune, one military, one provisions and one inspiration skills.

Osiris has a base quality potential of 38 stars for fortune, 5 stars for military, 5 stars for provisions and 5 stars for inspiration.

The details of Osiris's skills are listed below:

  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Military - 5
    • Field Marshalling
  • Image of Fortune Icon in King's Throne Fortune - 5* , 5* , 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1
    • Aarus Blessing (skin)
    • Judgement of Souls (skin)
    • Whirling Flail
    • Sheperds Staff
    • Chancellorship
    • Treasury Oversight
    • Coffer Management
    • Banking
    • Mercantilism
  • Image of Provisions Icon in King's Throne Provisions - 5
    • Dukedom Rulership
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne Inspiration - 5
    • Legendary Deeds

Osiris Ranking for Skills and Quality

Osiris is one of the fortune heroes in King's Throne. In terms of potential and quality for each of the types, Osiris ranks:

  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 2nd for fortune - total 38 stars, 400% paragon bonus
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 130th for military - total 5 stars, 200% paragon bonus
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 76th for provisions - total 5 stars, 200% paragon bonus
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne 71st for inspiration - total 5 stars, 200% paragon bonus

See the top Military Heroes, Fortune Heroes, Provisions Heroes and Inspiration Heroes in King's Throne.

Paragons for Osiris in King's Throne

Osiris currently has 4 paragons: Paragon of Soul Stones, Paragon of the Underworld, Paragon of Scarabs and Paragon of Atef. To activate and maximize Osiris's paragons, we would need to have 600 osiris fragments.

The sum of all Osiris's paragons increases military by 200%, fortune by 400%, provisions by 200%, inspiration by 200%, for each attribute.

  • Paragon of Soul Stones - All attributes + (skin)
    • Maximum Level: 20
    • Upgrade Cost: Osiris Fragment(10)
    • Upgrade Percent: 5%
  • Paragon of the Underworld - All attributes + (skin)
    • Maximum Level: 20
    • Upgrade Cost: Osiris Fragment(10)
    • Upgrade Percent: 5%
  • Paragon of Scarabs - Fortune attribute +
    • Maximum Level: 10
    • Upgrade Cost: Osiris Fragment(10)
    • Upgrade Percent: 10%
  • Paragon of Atef - Fortune attribute +
    • Maximum Level: 10
    • Upgrade Cost: Osiris Fragment(10)
    • Upgrade Percent: 10%

Osiris Skins in King's Throne

There are 2 skins available for Osiris which boosts attributes or skills: Judge of Souls and Resurrection Ritual

  • Judge of Souls
    • Description: Receive Osiriss Legendary Skin Judge of Souls permanently and unlock his 5-star Fortune Skill Aarus Blessing and the Paragon of Soul Stones paragon skill after activation.
  • Resurrection Ritual
    • Description: Receive Osiris Legendary Skin Resurrection Ritual permanently and unlock his 5-star Fortune Skill Judgement of Souls and the Paragon of the Underworld paragon skill after activation.
Image of Hero Osiris in King's Throne

Upgrading Osiris

To upgrade Osiris's level, similar to other heroes, you would need gold and rings, scepter, sword items for every 50 or 100 levels.

To enhance Osiris and increase their attributes, you can use can be used to recruit or enhance osiris to enhance a maximum of 10 stages. The exact amount of pieces needed for Osiris enhancement is below:

  • Bronze - 50 Can be used to recruit or enhance Osiris
  • Silver - 60 Can be used to recruit or enhance Osiris
  • Gold - 70 Can be used to recruit or enhance Osiris
  • Emerald - 85 Can be used to recruit or enhance Osiris
  • Diamond - 105 Can be used to recruit or enhance Osiris
  • Lapis - 115 Can be used to recruit or enhance Osiris - 1 Accolate Token
  • Amethyst - 145 Can be used to recruit or enhance Osiris - 3 Accolate Token
  • Amber - 195 Can be used to recruit or enhance Osiris - 5 Accolate Token
  • Ruby - 245 Can be used to recruit or enhance Osiris - 7 Accolate Token
  • Labradorite - 295 Can be used to recruit or enhance Osiris - 10 Accolate Token

Osiris Bonding Maiden in King's Throne

Osiris bonds with Isis as his maiden pair in King's Throne. Having a maiden enables Osiris to have further attribute growth potential from maiden skills. The list of maiden skills that support Osiris are:

  • Image of Fortune Icon in King's Throne Frugal Outlook I - Fortune
    +150 / level
  • Image of Fortune Icon in King's Throne Frugal Outlook II - Fortune
    +200 / level
  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Courageous Resolve - Military
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of Provisions Icon in King's Throne Gourmands Palate - Provisions
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne Helping Hand - Inspiration
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of Fortune Icon in King's Throne Masterful Bartering - Fortune
    +0.5% / level
  • Image of All Attributes Icon in King's Throne Divine Healing - All Attributes (skin)
    +0.2% / level

Story of Osiris in King's Throne

"Osiris was the generous and merciful ruler of a great nation, teaching agriculture, establishing laws, and bringing civilization to his people. Everyone who lived in the kingdom he inherited from his ancestors prospered. However, Osiris' own brother, Seth, who believed he was more deserving of the throne than Osiris, devised a plan to dethrone Osiris and establish himself as king. Seth proposed at a banquet that anyone who could fit in an elaborate coffin he had crafted would receive the coffin as a prize. Unbeknownst to everyone, Seth had specifically designed the coffin to fit Osiris, who, upon entering, becomes trapped inside and flung into a nearby river. This expelled Osiris from the kingdom and made it nearly impossible for anyone to find him, especially his wife Isis, whose love for Osiris had irritated Seth."
- King's Throne Story