King's Throne Guide - Maiden Lucy

Summary of Lucy in King's Throne

Lucy is a maiden in King's Throne, Game of Conquest, and bonds with Abraham as her hero. You can acquire Lucy through events in King's Throne.

Lucy starts with 300 charm.

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Image of Maiden Lucy in King's Throne

Lucy's Skills in King's Throne

Lucy has 7 skills that increases attributes for Abraham. Her skills are Steadfast Bravery I, Steadfast Bravery II, Helping Hand, Masterful Bartering, Courageous Resolve, Gourmands Palate and Mediumship.

Lucy has three military, one inspiration, one fortune, and one provisions skills. Lucy also has one skill that improves all attributes.

To activate all of Lucy's skills, you will need to level up intimacy to 200.

Lucy's skills are listed below:

  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Steadfast Bravery I - Military
    +150 / level - activates at 10 intimacy
  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Steadfast Bravery II - Military
    +200 / level - activates at 20 intimacy
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne Helping Hand - Inspiration
    +0.5% / level - activates at 50 intimacy
  • Image of Fortune Icon in King's Throne Masterful Bartering - Fortune
    +0.5% / level - activates at 100 intimacy
  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Courageous Resolve - Military
    +0.5% / level - activates at 150 intimacy
  • Image of Provisions Icon in King's Throne Gourmands Palate - Provisions
    +0.5% / level - activates at 200 intimacy
  • Image of All Attributes Icon in King's Throne Mediumship - All Attributes
    +0.2% / level - activated by skin

Lucy's Skins in King's Throne

Lucy has one available skin in King's Throne: Circle of Light Lucy.

  • Circle of Light Lucy - Receive Lucys Legendary Skin Circle of Light Lucy permanently. Earn 1500 intimacy after activation, as well as the new Mediumship maiden skill.

Story of Lucy in King's Throne

"Having been born an orphan, Lucy learned much of what she knows from Abraham, who took her in as an apprentice. He took pity on the unfortunate and became a kind of guardian angel to Lucy, who adores Abraham and often daydreams about them being together despite his lack of interest in her in that regard. By no means does Lucy need more attention from men, as she is frequently chased by suitors who she repeatedly refuses. Her time with Abraham have conditioned her to appreciate older men's wisdom; she particularly admires that he treats her as an independent person, in comparison to everyone else in her life, who views her as childish and naive. For this reason, Lucy enjoys accompanying Abraham on his hunts and adventures, regardless of Abraham's concerns that Lucy's participation would put them both in danger. Lucy has taken on the role of Abraham's sidekick and has even saved his life on a few occasions."