King's Throne Guide - Maiden Orianna

Summary of Orianna in King's Throne

Orianna is a maiden in King's Throne, Game of Conquest, and bonds with Gotz von Berlichingen as her hero. You can acquire Orianna through events in King's Throne.

Orianna starts with 300 charm.

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Image of Maiden Orianna in King's Throne

Orianna's Skills in King's Throne

Orianna has 7 skills that increases attributes for Gotz von Berlichingen. Her skills are Steadfast Bravery I, Steadfast Bravery II, Gourmands Palate, Helping Hand, Masterful Bartering, Courageous Resolve and Crafting with Love.

Orianna has three military, one provisions, one inspiration, and one fortune skills. Orianna also has one skill that improves all attributes.

To activate all of Orianna's skills, you will need to level up intimacy to 200.

Orianna's skills are listed below:

  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Steadfast Bravery I - Military
    +150 / level - activates at 10 intimacy
  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Steadfast Bravery II - Military
    +200 / level - activates at 20 intimacy
  • Image of Provisions Icon in King's Throne Gourmands Palate - Provisions
    +0.5% / level - activates at 50 intimacy
  • Image of Inspiration Icon in King's Throne Helping Hand - Inspiration
    +0.5% / level - activates at 100 intimacy
  • Image of Fortune Icon in King's Throne Masterful Bartering - Fortune
    +0.5% / level - activates at 150 intimacy
  • Image of Military Icon in King's Throne Courageous Resolve - Military
    +0.5% / level - activates at 200 intimacy
  • Image of All Attributes Icon in King's Throne Crafting with Love - All Attributes
    +0.2% / level - unknown activation

Orianna's Skins in King's Throne

Orianna has one available skin in King's Throne: Advanced Blacksmith.

  • Advanced Blacksmith - Use to obtain Oriannas Legendary Skin Advanced Blacksmith permanently and Increases 1500 intimacy, as well as the Crafting with love skill.

Story of Orianna in King's Throne

"A child in a renowned family of blacksmiths, she grew up surrounded by amazing and shiny metal craftings, from weapons, armors, home tools, and even particular toys made by her own dad to entertain her during her childhood. Instead of playing with those toys, she felt more interested in the blacksmith tools and whatever she could do with them to “Customize” those before perfect toys. She gained a passion for crafting, and even when it wasn’t what her family expected from her as a woman, they accepted her will and cultivated her skills for the Blacksmith arts.

When the neighboring kingdoms at war expanded their battlefield, she was out of her village, and when she returned, to her surprise, everything was totally destroyed, including her house. Her family didn’t survive, the only person she found was a strongly hurt man, lying on the remains of a wall, who had lost one of his arms. “I’m sorry if this is your place” she heard from that injured man, “But we are on the same side, my enemy, the one who attacked this place, is also your enemy now... if you help me, I swear I’ll make them pay for their actions”

With hesitation, she helped to cure the injuries, and then she decided to find a way for him to hold his sword again, she crafted a rusty but effective Iron hand, gaining a friend and a Mercenary in search of her personal revenge.
